On the payment form, can you pay via credit card without creating a PayPal account?
Yes. On the payment form, select the top "PayPal" button, then on the next screen select “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” and this will allow you to pay with a credit card via PayPal Guest Checkout without having to create an account.
Why am I getting an error making my donation?
We’re sorry you’re having trouble making a gift. Here are a few tips:
- Please make sure you selected an area to direct your gift, entered a gift amount and all of the information for required fields
- Do not include dashes or parentheses with your phone number (correct format: 4123966000)
- Try donating on a different web browser or device such as a phone, tablet or computer
If you are still having issues, please contact the Annual Giving Office at annualfund@duq.edu.
What if I don't see the area of campus where I want to direct my gift?
On the donation form, under "Department or Program" select "Other"; then under "Fund Designation" select "Other"; and type-in where to designate your gift.
How do I make a gift to more than one area of campus?
Simply select "Add another gift to your donation" on the donation form. This will allow you to make multiple gifts within the same transaction.
If you have questions regarding the Duquesne Day of Giving, please contact Hillary Moore, Director of Annual Giving, at mooreh5@duq.edu.
See our full FAQ for more answers.
You can also contact us at annualfund@duq.edu