A sunny fall picture of A-Walk with the words "Spread the Word!"

Are you passionate about Duquesne and want to be a key part in a successful Duquesne Day of Giving? Sign up to become an official Day of Giving ambassador! Ambassadors are our biggest champions who make a gift on the Day of Giving and is willing to encourage others to participate.

You + 2!

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, ambassadors get a chance to win this year. When you make a gift and get 2 more friends to give using your personalized link, you’ll be entered to win one of five Duquesne camping mugs.

But wait…THERE’S MORE!

When you make a gift, get two friends to give using your link, AND raise at least $250 with your personal link, you’ll be entered to win the grand prize—a Duquesne gift basket stuffed with DU goodies.

Signing up is as easy as 1-2-3! 

  1. Enter your email to get started
  2. Confirm signup with email verification
    1. Check your inbox (and junk folder) for an email from Scalefunder and click to confirm your participation.
  3. Get started using your own, personalized dashboard! Create a personal giving link to share with your network and track which one of your friends have given.

Game on!