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School of Business

The Business of Difference Making

Our MISSION: Provide Transformative Education in a Spiritan Tradition

We develop ethical business professionals who understand the global marketplace and serve others by leading with integrity to transform their communities, organizations, and society.

We accomplish this by engaging students, alumni, and community partners to create innovative educational experiences that connect theory to practice.

Your Gift Matters

Giving provides our students:

  • Cutting-edge business technology
  • Curricular and extra-curricular projects and competitions 
  • Networking, professional and career preparation opportunities

Challenge gifts

A Business School Advisory Council member will match donations made to the School of Business Innovation Fund, dollar-for-dollar, up to $50,000.  

The Innovation Fund helps our students thrive. Your support creates hands-on learning experiences, forward-thinking curricular innovations, and cutting-edge learning environments. 

Thanks to the Innovation Fund, the School will continue to provide a difference-making business education for all students. 

Please make your donations to the School of Business. 

Help Spread the Word

Follow @DuqBiz on social media and encourage others to donate!

We thank you for your support! 

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Palumbo-Donahue School of Business Innovation Fund Challenge
A generous Palumbo-Donahue School of Business Advisory Council member will match donations to the School of Business, dollar-for-dollar, up to $50,000.
$50,000 MATCHED
Young Alumni Challenge
Emily Kinley, N'16; Luke Macios A'17 GA'19; Anthony Priore A'16 GA'18; and Catherine S. Hull B'17 will match donations from fellow Young Alumni up to $1,650
$1,650 MATCHED
School Leaderboard by Gifts
Which Duquesne University school will receive the most donations on the Day of Giving? Make a gift to help get your school to the top of the leaderboard!
Rank School Gifts
1 School of Business 104
2 School of Law 104
3 School of Nursing 73
4 School of Pharmacy 64
5 Liberal Arts 64
School Leaderboard by Amount Raised
Which Duquesne University school will raise the most on the Day of Giving? Make a gift to help get your school to the top of the leaderboard!
Rank School Raised
1 School of Business $139,631.17
2 School of Law $118,379.88
3 School of Pharmacy $61,039.13
4 Liberal Arts $23,179.47
5 School of Nursing $21,666.94
Most Dollars Raised Leaderboard
Which specific area of campus will raise the most dollars to support their bigger goals?
Rank Fund Designation Raised
1 School of Business Innovation Fund $89,106.44
2 Duquesne School of Law Vision Fund $50,617.08
3 Football $40,493.38
4 School of Pharmacy (Greatest Needs) $37,649.12
5 Women's Swimming & Diving $34,625.23
Most Gifts Leaderboard
Which specific area of campus will receive the most gifts to support their bigger goals?
Rank Area Gifts
1 Women's Lacrosse 105
2 School of Business Innovation Fund 102
3 Duquesne School of Law Vision Fund 96
4 Women's Swimming & Diving 90
5 Rowing 59
Amount Raised Leaderboard by Area of Campus
Which area of campus will earn the most total dollars in donations on the Day of Giving? Make a gift to help get your favorite area of campus to the top of the leaderboard!
Rank Area Raised
1 Athletics $293,842.63
2 School of Business $139,631.17
3 School of Law $118,379.88
4 School of Pharmacy $61,039.13
5 Liberal Arts $23,179.47
Number of Gifts Leaderboard by Area of Campus
Which area of campus will receive the most donations on the Day of Giving? Make a gift to help get your favorite area of campus to the top of the leaderboard!
Rank Area Raised
1 Athletics $192,960.09
2 School of Business $89,631.17
3 School of Law $59,189.94
4 School of Pharmacy $41,039.13
5 School of Nursing $13,114.84
Most Gifts by Class
Which Duquesne University class will make the most gifts on the Day of Giving? Make a gift now and tell your classmates to get your class to the top of the leaderboard!
Duquesne University Graduation Year
Rank Answer Gifts
1 1991 25
2 2016 17
3 2005 16
4 2009 16
5 2012 14
6 2007 14
7 2006 14
8 1992 14
9 1973 13
10 2017 13
11 2022 13
12 2014 12
13 1981 11
14 1985 11
15 2023 11
Who is Giving?
Which Duquesne University community group is making the largest impact on the Day of Giving?
Please Check All of Your Duquesne Affiliations
Rank Answer Gifts
1 Alumni 592
2 Current/Past DU Parent 296
3 Current Employee 272
4 Friend 230
5 Current Student 61
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