Together, We Can Create Global Citizens
At Duquesne University, we believe the world is our global classroom, and study abroad transforms lives. Your gift to Study Abroad ensures that every student, regardless of financial background, has the chance to experience the life-changing power of global education whether at our Duquesne in Rome campus, our Duquesne in Dublin Global Study Center, or dozens of other semester-long or short-term programs in Europe, Africa, Latin America, or Asia.
Why Give to Study Abroad?
Hear the Impact
“I feel that I gained a unique source of empathy from living where I didn’t speak the native language fluently, which I will take into my career. I could not recommend studying abroad enough. I feel incredibly grateful for the chance to travel the world at 19 and everything I gained from doing so."
— Giovana Z., Duquesne in Rome, Spring 2024
The Impact of Your Gift
Study Abroad is an essential element of higher education in the 21st century and Duquesne University is committed to providing all undergraduate students an international experience during their years at Duquesne.
The added costs of travel can be a challenge for students to study abroad and your gift can help them gain access to the life-changing experience of studying abroad.
Celebrate 10 Years of Giving with $10 for Study Abroad!
This year marks the 10th Anniversary of Duquesne University's Day of Giving, and we’re celebrating a decade of generosity with a simple but impactful way to make a difference.
Give $10 for 10 Years to help fund transformative study abroad experiences for our students. Your gift will honor this milestone while opening doors to a world of opportunities for the next generation of global leaders.
Why $10 for Study Abroad?
Study Abroad Challenge
Several supporters will match donations to the Study Abroad Challenge, dollar-for-dollar, up to $2,000.
Don't forget to also spread the word!
An additional way to make a major impact on the Duquesne Day of Giving is to help us spread the word via social media, e-mail, text, word of mouth! Share this address with #DuqDayOfGiving and encourage your family and friends to make a donation. Go Dukes!