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Study Abroad

Together, We Can Create Global Citizens 

At Duquesne University, we believe the world is our global classroom, and study abroad transforms lives. Your gift to Study Abroad ensures that every student, regardless of financial background, has the chance to experience the life-changing power of global education whether at our Duquesne in Rome campus, our Duquesne in Dublin Global Study Center, or dozens of other semester-long or short-term programs in Europe, Africa, Latin America, or Asia.

Why Give to Study Abroad?

  • Empower Students to Have Bigger Goals: Studying abroad inspires academic growth, cultural understanding, and a global perspective, helping our students become ethical leaders who can navigate a diverse world.
  • Expand Horizons: Many students describe their time abroad as the most formative experience of their college career, shaping their values, skills, and confidence.
  • Remove Barriers: Financial challenges prevent many students from pursuing study abroad. Your support provides scholarships and resources, turning dreams into reality.

study abroad students smiling in a group photo

Hear the Impact

“I feel that I gained a unique source of empathy from living where I didn’t speak the native language fluently, which I will take into my career. I could not recommend studying abroad enough. I feel incredibly grateful for the chance to travel the world at 19 and everything I gained from doing so." 

— Giovana Z., Duquesne in Rome, Spring 2024

The Impact of Your Gift

Study Abroad is an essential element of higher education in the 21st century and Duquesne University is committed to providing all undergraduate students an international experience during their years at Duquesne. 

The added costs of travel can be a challenge for students to study abroad and your gift can help them gain access to the life-changing experience of studying abroad.

Celebrate 10 Years of Giving with $10 for Study Abroad!

This year marks the 10th Anniversary of Duquesne University's Day of Giving, and we’re celebrating a decade of generosity with a simple but impactful way to make a difference.

Give $10 for 10 Years to help fund transformative study abroad experiences for our students. Your gift will honor this milestone while opening doors to a world of opportunities for the next generation of global leaders.

Why $10 for Study Abroad?

  • Small Gift, Big Impact: Just $10 can go toward life-changing experiences like cultural excursions, language immersion, or travel essentials.
  • Support for the Future: By committing to $10 in celebration of 10 years of Day of Giving, you create a legacy of global learning and ensure that future Duquesne students can access the same life-enriching opportunities.
  • Easy to Participate: This simple act of giving is a powerful way to show your Duquesne pride and support our mission of creating ethical, global citizens.

                                         study abroad students smiling in a group

Study Abroad Challenge

Several supporters will match donations to the Study Abroad Challenge, dollar-for-dollar, up to $2,000.


Don't forget to also spread the word!

An additional way to make a major impact on the Duquesne Day of Giving is to help us spread the word via social media, e-mail, text, word of mouth! Share this address www.duq.edu/dayofgiving with #DuqDayOfGiving and encourage your family and friends to make a donation. Go Dukes!


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Study Abroad Challenge
Several supporters will match donations to the Study Abroad Challenge, dollar-for-dollar, up to $2,000.
$2,000 MATCHED
Young Alumni Challenge
Emily Kinley, N'16; Luke Macios A'17 GA'19; Anthony Priore A'16 GA'18; and Catherine S. Hull B'17 will match donations from fellow Young Alumni up to $1,650
$1,650 MATCHED
Most Dollars Raised Leaderboard
Which specific area of campus will raise the most dollars to support their bigger goals?
Rank Fund Designation Raised
1 School of Business Innovation Fund $89,106.44
2 Duquesne School of Law Vision Fund $50,617.08
3 Football $40,493.38
4 School of Pharmacy (Greatest Needs) $37,649.12
5 Women's Swimming & Diving $34,625.23
Most Gifts Leaderboard
Which specific area of campus will receive the most gifts to support their bigger goals?
Rank Area Gifts
1 Women's Lacrosse 105
2 School of Business Innovation Fund 102
3 Duquesne School of Law Vision Fund 96
4 Women's Swimming & Diving 90
5 Rowing 59
Amount Raised Leaderboard by Area of Campus
Which area of campus will earn the most total dollars in donations on the Day of Giving? Make a gift to help get your favorite area of campus to the top of the leaderboard!
Rank Area Raised
1 Athletics $293,842.63
2 School of Business $139,631.17
3 School of Law $118,379.88
4 School of Pharmacy $61,039.13
5 Liberal Arts $23,179.47
Number of Gifts Leaderboard by Area of Campus
Which area of campus will receive the most donations on the Day of Giving? Make a gift to help get your favorite area of campus to the top of the leaderboard!
Rank Area Raised
1 Athletics $192,960.09
2 School of Business $89,631.17
3 School of Law $59,189.94
4 School of Pharmacy $41,039.13
5 School of Nursing $13,114.84
Most Gifts by Class
Which Duquesne University class will make the most gifts on the Day of Giving? Make a gift now and tell your classmates to get your class to the top of the leaderboard!
Duquesne University Graduation Year
Rank Answer Gifts
1 1991 25
2 2016 17
3 2005 16
4 2009 16
5 2012 14
6 2007 14
7 2006 14
8 1992 14
9 1973 13
10 2017 13
11 2022 13
12 2014 12
13 1981 11
14 1985 11
15 2023 11
Who is Giving?
Which Duquesne University community group is making the largest impact on the Day of Giving?
Please Check All of Your Duquesne Affiliations
Rank Answer Gifts
1 Alumni 592
2 Current/Past DU Parent 296
3 Current Employee 272
4 Friend 230
5 Current Student 61
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Or you can contact us at annualfund@duq.edu.